• Lisa Robin

    Making Pain Policy a Top Priority for Medical Boards State Medical Boards have a number…

    Fellowship Highlights
    23 March 2016
  • Anne Louise Oaklander, MD, PhD

    Finding her Voice Anne Louise Oaklander makes a strong argument: neurological problems are a major…

    Fellowship Highlights
    23 March 2016
  • Bill Zempsky, MD

    Narrowing the Gap: Putting a Face on Sickle Cell Pain The biggest problem that patients…

    Fellowship Highlights
    23 March 2016
  • Dr. Elliot Krane, MD

    Reaching New Audiences: Going “Viral” Elliot Krane sees children suffering from chronic pain everyday at…

    Fellowship Highlights
    23 March 2016
  • Beth Murinson, MD, PhD

    Advocating for Change from Within To institute broad change in medicine, particularly in the field…

    Fellowship Highlights
    23 March 2016
  • Dr. Paul Christo, MD

    Transforming the Perception of Pain on the Airwaves – Nationally Dr. Paul Christo has found…

    Fellowship Highlights
    22 March 2016